During the year 2018 the European Year of Cultural Heritage is celebrated. From the 3Economy + project we are going to carry out the following activities:


Organized by the Institute for Travel, Tourism and Culture and the Islands and Small States Institute of the University of Malta

 Date:    Wednesday, 6th June 2018

Venue: Video Conference Suite (IT Services), University of Malta, Msida*

Time:   6.00-8.00 pm

Generally speaking, tourism in small islands is promoted as a source of income and employment for the host community. However, tourism has various additional positive and negative impacts, including those on the islands indigenous culture, which can usher in major social and political changes in the host country, often due to the fact that the visitors may have mores and preferences which differ from those traditionally held by the host community. This seminar will focus on the cultural interaction between the visitors and the host communities on the Maltese Islands.

Chair:  Lino Briguglio, Director, Islands and Small States Institute

    • Panel Presentations:

       Karsten Xuereb (Researcher, Superintendence of Cultural Heritage Malta)

       George Cassar (Associate Professor, Heritage & Cultural Tourism, University of Malta)

       Marie Avellino (Director, Institute for Travel, Tourism and Culture, University of Malta)

       Leslie Vella (Deputy Chief Executive Officer, Malta Tourism Authority)

    • Open discussion


Organized by Consejeria de Presidencia y Salud Pública, Consejería de Educación, Juventud y Deporte and 3Economy+ project

Date:    Sunday, 8th July 2018

Venue: Melilla la Vieja, Melilla (Spain)

Time:   21.30-23.30 pm

Gastronomy operates as an expression of cultural identity. It goes without saying that the culinary art has a predominant role in numerous celebrations. Food is important for our nutrition, but it also has important cultural and symbolic meanings that make it more than what's on our plates. Actually, eating and socializing have been closely linked throughout history.

Tasting succulent dishes can be a great satisfaction. However, if we add to this food for the soul, also known as music, it is the perfect combination of a spectacular pleasure. This is the objective of our proposal: the reconciliation of musical and culinary art from a cultural, diachronic and synchronic perspective. In this regard, we will have the opportunity to be delighted with delicious recipes from the traditional cuisine of Melilla resulting from a mixing of cultures accompanied with the best musical performances and traditional dance displays.

Four local artists will take part of the show, among them professionals in the field of classical, Spanish and ethnic dance. They will help us to connect with the different cultural realities of the city. Four different ethnic and religious communities (Christian, Muslim, Jewish and Hindu) coexist peacefully while maintaining their own particular cultural identities. Indeed, Nuria Nieto will be in charge of performing a Muslim dance; María del Carmen Florido is the responsible of the Catholic culture; Gonzalo Carmona will be in charge of the Jewish culture, and finally, Merche Hurtado will be the ambassador of the Hindu culture.

Let us not forget, we will be tasting the most exquisite Melilla’s gastronomy which tempts the palate with a wide range of dishes and exquisitely flavorful specialties which are the product of the city’s cultural diversity and Mediterranean character. Some of the dishes are: traditional skewered diced pork, chicken pastela, couscous, Moroccan sweets such as “pañuelos”, fresh fish (prawns and lobsters, monkfish, wedge shell clams), Indian samosas, cucumber raita, colourful omelette and meat in onion sauce.

Good cuisine is art. It is technique, passion and therapy. It is part of the cultural wealth of those ancient recipe books.

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Organized by Consejeria de Cultura y Festejos and 3Economy+ project

Date:    Saturday, 7th Junly 2018

Venue: Ciudadela Melilla la Vieja, Centro de Estudios Melillenses, Melilla (Spain)

Time:   19.00-22.00 pm

Since the arrival of the Spaniards to the ancient Rusaddir from the end of the 15th century to the beginning of the 20th century, Melilla has welcomed indigenous city dwellers from other cultures and places filling the city with a mix of surprising contrasts.

Slaves, mournings, crimes, brothels, taverns, different religions, pandemics…are mixed in with the influence of the Muslim courts, Gipsy presence, Italians, Asians, French people, Filipinos, Cubans or Sephardic Jews expelled from Spain after the taking of Grenade in 1942 by the Catholic Kings, etc.

Moreover, we must take into account the fact that Charles V – the future Charles I – created a great empire in which Melilla, despite its geographical remoteness, had a key role.

With the aim of stepping back into the past, a performed tour will take place in a monumental fortress called Melilla La Vieja (“Old Melilla), which is the most striking eyecatcher of the city. There, we will have the opportunity to witness some of the historical episodes that happened in our city.

This performed tour will be enlivened by numerous local actors who will be playing important characters of city.

JOSE OÑA:  a knight, tax collector and the city's controller. Clergyman.

JUANJO FLORENSA: Governor and a historian.

CAROLINA TORREBLANCA: Enslaved muslim woman converted to Christianity. A seamstress. A Hebrew woman who arrived in Melilla in 1862.

ELENA FERNÁNDEZ: a sephardic woman.

The route, which takes approximately two hours, will begin at PLAZA DE LAS CULTURAS and we will be strolling around the different fortified enclosures of Old Melilla. In addition, we will visit the Amazigh and Sephardi Museum.

In Melilla La Vieja, we will have the opportunity to visit the ditch called “Hornabeque” which practically makes the rock into an island and the ditch “Foso de Santiago” which runs between the first three enclosures and the oldest and largest one and it is reached by the gates, Puerta de Santiago. We will also visit the tunnels of Santa Ana and the ancient Moorish cisterns called aljibes.

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Organized by University of Granada, Consejería de Cultura y Festejos and 3Economy+ project

Date:    Tuesday, 3th July 2018

Venue: Video in Campus of Melilla

Time:   10 days.

Students will record an under five-minute video on their mobile phone about a part of their city, region or area: Malta, El Alentejo and Melilla. The different videos will be combined into one. The video will be screened in a reception given for all the IP participants by the President of the Autonomous City of Melilla, in the Golden Room of the Assambly Palace. This video will also be displayed in the Melilla Campus during the intensive course. Moreover, it will be uploaded on to the website of the project, on the YouTube channel, and on social networks to make it public.

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